
Showing posts with label burro. Show all posts
Showing posts with label burro. Show all posts

Saturday, September 14, 2024

We love Ferguson

 Ferguson is our daughter's wild burro that she adopted. She also has Moose, who is the brown one. Our daughter has really worked with Ferguson to train him, and he has become a great burro.

She adopted Ferguson through the BLM program and had 100 days from the adoption date to enter Ferguson in a competition to show her progress in training him. She ended up taking 2nd place, missing first by just one point. Ferguson has a special place in all of our hearts. I think he needed her as much as she needed him.

Moose, who came later was also adopted thru the BLM program. She also has 3 mustangs that she has worked with and trained.

Jackson KOA Minnesota

 Made it to the next stop here in Jackson, MN. This is our last one stopper, then we will be in Maple Grove for a couple of days visiting f...